SPACE FOR LOVE (SFL) is a support group for adult, women survivors of sexual trauma.
Groups are peer led, ongoing, community groups that are age specific and gender safe. Those who identify as adult women having survived sexual trauma of any kind are welcomed. Sexual trauma can include but is not limited to: childhood sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, sex trafficking, voyerisom/stalking, rape and incest.
The purpose of SFL support groups is to provide a space of safe support for the ongoing healing of sexual trauma survivors. SFL support groups offer community, compassion and connection through meal share, a circle process, and resources for individual care.
Resources for individual care (I.e. counseling and case management) are provided by a representative from The Advocacy Center Waco, a partnering community organization.
These groups, while having a therapeutic component, are not meant to treat or diagnose individuals. SFL groups do not qualify as group therapy but as group support for survivors of sexual trauma.