An Open Letter From 2018

October 17, 2018

Dear Judge Strother,

Sexual violence is a serious problem not because so many women experience it, but because many men perpetrate or tolerate it. I am not a lawyer, nor do I claim to understand the ins and outs of the legal process. What I do understand and deal with on a daily basis (through my work at Jesus Said Love) are those affected by sexual trauma.

We cannot achieve dramatic reductions in men’s violence against women until we hold perpetrators of sexual violence accountable for their crimes. If you rule to accept the current plea agreement in the case of J​ acob Walter Anderson​, it will send a strong message: that rape and assault crimes are minimizable and easily negotiated if one has creative and well-compensated attorneys while the victim of these crimes is left to face the same physiological and psychological effects as a victim of human trafficking.

Sexual violence is sexual violence, and victims are not afforded a reprieve from trauma. This woman will walk away with a life sentence of emotional and mental effects that will trigger physiological responses she will have to learn to manage.

In the same way that pornography desensitizes males to violence against women, this plea deal communicates a low regard for victims of sexual assault and reinforces the narrative that white, privileged males (the leading demographic profile of a customer in the commercial sex industry) can escape the repercussions of sexual violence.

Your honor, I have men who are required to take our JSL “Stop Demand School” as part of their sentencing for buying commercial sex. For many of them, their punishment is greater than what’s being proposed for Mr. Anderson—and their charge is a Class B Misdemeanor! Your Honor, it’s time we stand with victims affected by rape and sexual violence. This is not a women’s issue in which we should ask victims to shoulder the responsibility, but a male issue that requires just accountability.

For the sake of our daughters, for our young boys who need to understand their role in this issue, for the women we work with at JSL, for women who do not report, for the prosperity of our community: please reconsider this plea agreement.

Please consider the lifelong trauma the victim is facing at the hands of this young man. Consider Mr. Anderson’s need for mental rehabilitation as most sex offenders become repeat offenders. Consider what your ruling will say to those around the country and world who are watching this case.

Judge Strother, with clear-cut wisdom and complete fairness, please send a strong message to offenders of sexual violence: that McLennan County and the State of Texas will not tolerate rape and gender violence. Judge, refuse to be a bystander.

Our message in McLennan County should be: rich or poor, if you assault women, you will take responsibility.

Brett Mills
CEO, Jesus Said Love




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